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Cuneiform Artefacts of Iraq in Context (CAIC) - Keilschriftartefakte Mesopotamiens


Call for a CAIC Iraqi Scholarship

We heartily invite Iraqi cuneiform scholars to apply for a scholarship in Munich, Germany, to prepare a publication of cuneiform texts.

The Iraqi Scholarship programme is offered by the Munich CAIC project, based at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. The project cooperates with the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage, the Iraq Museum, Baghdad University and many international partners. Munich is a leading place in cuneiform research with large-scale projects and outstanding libraries.

The scholarship intends to support Iraqi scholars to publish the cuneiform texts they have studied and want to do this in an international research context. Postdocs or doctoral students are especially encouraged to apply. Invited scholars will prepare a publication of their texts, with support from the international CAIC team. The printed English or English-Arabic publication will appear in the new monographic CAIC series edited by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

The scholarship includes the transfer costs from and to Iraq and a stipend to cover the living costs at Munich for 45 to 90 days.

Applications include:

  1. Personal data: Name, date of birth, address, email address, copy of passport

  2. Letter of intent indicating the preferred period for your stay. The scholarship is valid for the proposed period and cannot be postponed.

  3. CV and proof of English language skills

  4. A catalogue of the tablets to be edited in Munich, including a short description of the tablets (date, contents, lines of text etc.)

  5. Sample photographs of some tablets to be edited

  6. A permission by the SBAH concerning the full publication rights for the cuneiform artefacts

  7. A sample edition of cuneiform texts (published or unpublished)

Please send your applications to Professor Dr. Walther Sallaberger, wasa(at)lmu.de. Applications will be reviewed twice a year. The deadlines are January 31st, and July 31st. Three scholarships per year can be awarded.